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Write&Set is a full-featured wordprocessing program with hyphenation, contents creation, footnotes, index, embedding graphics and a lot of more. It is an alternative concept of word processing for people who don't like winword-like programs. Word processing with Write&Set divides the job of producing a document in two parts: editing unformatted text and - later - formatting and printing. These to parts of the job are done by separate programs: WSedit is the 'editor' and WSformat the 'typesetter'. This concept simplifies word processing and enables you compiling a single document with hundreds of pages without any problems. Nevertheless, both programs are designed to work together like dialog windows in a single program: Write&Set.

Write&Set is based on the Wordstar for DOS file format. WSedit reads and writes also normal ASCII text files.

Last modified: September 19 2009

Current version of Write&Set, WSedit and WSformat: 0.99 k

In WSformat 0.99k, the preview functionality works now fine with Windows Vista. In WSedit 0.99k, also some important bugs were fixed.

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